Taking sustainability to a whole
other level

We fight plastic pollution and social inequalities turning waste
into an affordable transportation

Low-cost foldable bicycles made of recycled single-use plastic from bottles and bags.

Unique design that folds down small to fit in a backpack and to be welcome anywhere.
Even for taking transport connections or letting it behind the desk in a small office, Bagcycle is ready!

*Recovering 8klg plastic per bike

*Reducing road Congestion & air pollution

*Conecting people to opportunities

Bagcycle prevents at once about 800 plastic bottles per bike from becoming the waste that pollutes everything around us. It Makes commuting easy, affordable and sustainable.

No limits for going anywhere!
Cycling has never been as easy as is with Bagcycle

Handy, safe and affordable. Unique design, patented & tested

Be proud of taking care of you but also others by choosing bagcycle

We work hand by hand with vulnerable poor communities of plastic collectors, empowering them as essential role in society and sustainability.

In each stage of the process community is involve

Each time 21 Bagcycle units are produced 1 person under poverty line get a fair job

Worldwide, many underprivileged people that live in poverty are missing study and work opportunities because they lack access to  transportation:

Their communities don t have public transportation coverage or they can ´t afford it.

Commuting is essential for economic development”

Gift to the world

At a very low-cost you have the opportunity
to be part of the change
Buy a Bagcycle now as donation
to someone under the poverty line

we ensure  to carry your gift to the people needing it

It´s more than buying a bike;
You are  giving someone the opportunity to study, to work,
and to have a better future.

At the end of the day, that´ s what life is about


Join us!
Together we can create a better world.

By buying Bagcycle whether for yourself or as support donation:

You are preventing 800 plastic bottles per bike from polluting our environment, in addition generating decent jobs for poor communities and reducing road congestion and air pollution

Click on your choose

You have the power to change people s life for the better. When donating you connect people to opportunities, and spread optimism through the world.

Becoming part of the change is easy with bagcycle

Quick contact

Become limitless

Unique design

Patented & tested

100% sustainable

Helping Communities

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